How to brush with an electric toothbrush?

Publish Time: 2021-07-30     Origin: Site

This isn't the only one. I'm sure most of us feel a little uncomfortable the first time we use an electric toothbrush. After all, the frequency of using an electric toothbrush is ten times or more than that of brushing by hand.The Lord is not alone, so do not be afraid.

Small brush head is used to the standard brush head friends feel a little strange, but a long time can also be used to.The only thing to point out is that a small brush head has the advantages of a small brush head, especially for electric toothbrush. The brush head vibrates at high frequency. If the brush base accidentally touches the tooth, it will be fine once, twice or three times.If a friend's teeth have a certain degree of tooth crack, the electric toothbrush brush head every time 1~2, to a certain time, will let the tooth crack continue to deteriorate until the occurrence of pathological changes.The advantage of using a small brush head is that it is convenient to operate in the mouth, and the probability of touching teeth is smaller than that of the standard brush head.The conclusion is that the electric toothbrush has a small brush head. Since you bought it, you can adapt to it more. Nothing can't be changed by habits.

If the owner had bought a standard brush head, this would not have been a problem. In other words, this is not a problem with the electric toothbrush, but with the small brush head.The subject can consider in the force of the flagship store to buy a standard brush head back to change, it is very good to solve.

The motion and speed of the electric toothbrush is not familiar. Should it be the same as the manual one?I can't feel the inside of my teeth.There are many differences between the use of an electric toothbrush and a manual toothbrush.Electric toothbrush gently to a little pressure on the teeth, through the electric toothbrush itself high frequency, low amplitude vibration, can play the effect of cleaning teeth.After brushing 2-3 teeth, people just need to move the brush head to the adjacent teeth, and then let the toothbrush clean automatically, and so on, until all the teeth have been cleaned once.Therefore, when using an electric toothbrush, the wrist does not need to swing continuously like a manual toothbrush. The function of the electric motor is to replace the swing of the wrist and liberate the wrist.Do not, the electric toothbrush side in the vibration, the wrist is still the same as the use of manual toothbrush constantly swing, which loses the use of electric toothbrush.According to the principle, the cleaning of the inner toothbrush is similar to that of the manual toothbrush. The brush head of the electric toothbrush can be placed against the inner teeth, and it will automatically vibrate to clean the teeth.Speaking of here, we also need to make it clear that the cleaning techniques of different electric toothbrushes are not the same. Here we talk about it in detail.

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