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Does everyone already have an electric toothbrush in our country?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-15      Origin: Site

Most people can't clean their teeth with a regular toothbrush. Many people use ordinary toothbrush, even brush casually, do not know the vertical brush. Electric toothbrushes are effortless, easy to brush, and provide adequate cleaning. So why not? It's like we can walk to a place, but take a car because it's more convenient.

Most people can't clean their teeth with a regular toothbrush. Many people use ordinary toothbrush, even brush casually, do not know the vertical brush. Electric toothbrushes are effortless, easy to brush, and provide adequate cleaning. So why not? It's like we can walk to a place, but take a car because it's more convenient. You spend a hundred bucks, get a full tooth picture, and show it to the dentist, because most people are going to have their wisdom teeth removed. Dental hygienists may also find plaque and cavities that require filling and cleaning. So can an electric toothbrush avoid these situations? But the effect of plaque on other dental diseases, should get or get. This is related to habits, especially dietary habits, love sweets easy to decay teeth, love meat easy bad breath, love areca easy oral cancer, love smoking easy yellow teeth, enamel loss. Non-standard brushing is easy to dental plaque. Electric toothbrushes are very effective for high frequency vibrating brushing, tartar buildup and so on. This is why most people bleed the first time they use it, because the original tartar is brushed away and the blood pack grows. In addition, I had four wisdom teeth extracted and a fragment of a tooth taken. Compared to going to the dentist, I'm too cheap to buy an electric toothbrush. I also bought a dental flusher and spent most of my time washing my glasses. Next popular science, glasses can not be washed with alkaline detergent, will drop the film, and most of the shampoo, detergent, shower gel, etc., are alkaline, tooth flusher is also over frequency sound wave, flusher very clean. (The humidifier used before) of course, it does save the money of dental cleaning. You still need to go for dental fillings every two years, otherwise you will have to do root canal treatment after a long time, which costs more.

What we do is we use the Pap brush, also known as the horizontal flutter. In the same way, electric toothbrushes use electric instead of manual vibration. It's not an IQ tax. It's high frequency and easy to clean. But the wrong way to brush your teeth can cause gum damage.

The husband is containing electric toothbrush to brush teeth everyday to play mobile phone, brush with respect to 15 minutes. One day, my teeth were sore, and I found two teeth were missing a little bit. A visit to the dentist revealed that there were wedge-shaped caries in the neck of two teeth caused by excessive use of an electric toothbrush in one area for a long time. Regular toothbrush and dental floss can solve 90% of oral cleaning problems, electric toothbrush because the vibration frequency is higher than manual use correctly, will be cleaner than ordinary toothbrush.

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