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First, why should children choose electric toothbrush.

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-06-15      Origin: Site

I believe (face covering, in fact, is a deep experience) for many parents with children, should be very familiar with (fear) every day serving children with an electric toothbrush to brush their teeth and eat, it is dying, no less than the supervision of homework psychological destruction (2-3 years old,Of course, when he was older, he didn't have to worry too much about eating and brushing his teeth. He didn't have to eat or brush his teeth for a variety of reasons, and finally coaxed him to brush his teeth with an electric toothbrush. His actions were not standard and he didn't have enough time.For why choose electric toothbrush, the following article has been introduced in detail :(parents can also refer to the recommendation at the end of the article, to buy a suitable electric toothbrush for themselves) Which brand of electric toothbrush is good?Why use an electric toothbrush?How to choose cost-effective electric toothbrush?

Electric toothbrush recommended!So, as a qualified responsible parents, it is necessary to choose an interesting for babies at home, lovely, safe, good quality electric toothbrush, the first such an electric toothbrush can attract children's attention, increase the interest of brushing your teeth, get into the habit of daily use electric toothbrush and method.Then can let the child's teeth clean more clean, more healthy teeth.

Second, how old is the use of electric toothbrush recommended to know the advantages and necessity of electric toothbrush, will immediately give children to use electric toothbrush?The answer is not yes!Also depends on the child's age and oral conditions, electric toothbrush is not what age of children can (suitable) use!This problem is very important. Mothers who do not know this may start to use electric toothbrushes for their babies when their children are 2 or 3 years old. In fact, it is not recommended to use electric toothbrushes for their babies at this early age, because, first of all, electric toothbrushes vibrate quickly, and children are too young and their baby teeth have not yet fully developed.High frequency vibration of electric toothbrush may cause percussion injury to teeth and affect tooth replacement.Second, many electric toothbrush handles are relatively large, children are too small, it is not easy to hold the vibration of the electric toothbrush handle, but easy to damage the tender gums, leading to gingiva swelling bleeding and other situations;Again, when children brush their teeth, they are easy to be distracted. If they put the electric toothbrush on one or several teeth for a long time, it may cause excessive wear and tear on the enamel. This kind of improper operation causes damage to the teeth, which is very painful.Therefore, I personally recommend that children are too young to use electric toothbrush (at least not for a long time). At what age is it recommended to use electric toothbrush?Don't let your child use an electric toothbrush before the age of six, according to an analysis by a leading US website.That is to say, it is generally recommended that children's electric toothbrushes be used after the age of 6.Although electric toothbrush is recommended for children 6 years old later, also is not to say that before 6 years old must not use, but should be used under certain conditions appropriate make full use of the electric toothbrush attract role in children's novel, help children get into the habit of initiative to brush your teeth, use at the same time there should be a parent at a side to guide and supervise, do safety brush my teeth, science and brushing your teeth, a good habit.

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