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Views: 1 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-07-21 Origin: Site
Some people may think, "Is it necessary to spend this money on an electric toothbrush?" In fact, think about it the other way around. Instead of spending a lot of money on dental implants at the end, why not "pay attention" to your teeth as soon as possible?
Before we can compare the effectiveness of an electric toothbrush with a regular toothbrush, we need to define the criteria for effectiveness.What exactly is effective?- the main effect is to see the actual effect, that is, can maximize the realization of tooth beauty on the premise of protecting dental health.Generally speaking, it can be evaluated from the following points:
Whether electric toothbrush ,it is the internationally famous "Barr's brushing method" or the Chinese doctor recommended "horizontal vibration brushing method", summarize the correct brushing way, its main points include the following points:"Slight horizontal tremor", "turn the brush after 6-8 times", "gently pressurized horizontal tremor", "amplitude not more than 2 teeth at a time", etc., for the teeth bite surface.1.Expect electric toothbrush ,Plain toothbrush: The perfect way to brush is hard to come by.
I have tried it myself, using the Pap method with an ordinary toothbrush.But the experiment proved that it was too difficult to handle a normal toothbrush by hand. Holding the brush in the palm of your hand over two teeth, you had to balance the light vibration, the Angle, the amplitude...This I am not a robot, a 2 minutes brush your teeth experience down, "Pasteur brush your teeth" have no idea of use, but really tired hands!2. Electric toothbrush: mainstream rotating vibration, acoustic wave brush two ways, some products with both intelligent matching.
1) rotary vibration electric toothbrush rotary vibration is similar to the working principle of a washing machine, is around our teeth in all directions through rapid clockwise and counterclockwise repeated rotation to scrub, some models will have the entire brush head before and after the shock.This brushing mode can indeed achieve the correct brushing method of "slight horizontal vibration" of the teeth to a certain extent, but the rotary vibration brushing method, the electric toothbrush design needs to be within a reasonable pressure range, otherwise not only on the enamel wear is relatively large, but also will frequently knock teeth, mouth shaking phenomenon.
2) acoustic electric toothbrush, acoustic toothbrush is not used to clean with sound waves, but the vibration frequency generated by the toothbrush reaches the frequency of sound waves, so it is called acoustic electric toothbrush.It mainly depends on the high-speed motor to conduct kinetic energy to the rotation shaft, and then drive the brush handle vibration, so that the brush hair up and down or left and right reciprocating movement.Acoustic wave type because of its operation will not produce mechanical friction, so the stability is strong, the output power is relatively large.The disadvantage is that although the acoustic electric toothbrush is clean, but in the range of cleaning for rotary vibration is relatively limited.
3) The combination of the two combined rotating vibration and acoustic wave of both advantages, on the basis of the electric toothbrush category also has a comprehensive brushing mode of electric toothbrush, clean teeth at the same time can also avoid tooth damage.