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Why don't some dentists recommend electric toothbrushes?

Views: 16     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-07-05      Origin: Site

This question also piqued my curiosity.

Yeah, I don't seem to have seen the article about the disadvantages of electric toothbrush.What are the studies on the drawbacks, side effects, and clinical safety of electric toothbrushes?Study on a whim.The main points are summarized as follows, hoping to provide you with a new perspective.Electric toothbrushes may cause tooth wear There are actually two kinds of research on this question. One is in vitro research, which involves taking a tooth, or something similar to the tooth material, simulating the brushing action, and measuring the wear.Sometimes conditions are added, such as acidic immersion, different types of friction, frequency, and force, to mimic actual brushing as much as possible.As you can imagine, there will be a gap between this kind of research and the real situation, but it is a low-cost stepping stone to the real.In this kind of research, there are a lot of researches solely on electric toothbrushes (after all, the results are enough to be connected, so it can be called automatic research), but there are very few researches comparing electric toothbrushes with manual ones under the same condition (for each sample, I can feel a bit of pain when brushing the paper by hand for tens of thousands of times, and the Kirin arm is no more than that).The most recent review on this issue was published 10 years ago [1], and concluded that electric toothbrushes wear more enamel after soaking and softening than manual brushing.For dentin (the inner layer of tooth enamel), electric toothbrushes wear just as well.The other is in vivo research, to actually measure the wear of teeth after people use different brushing methods.This wear is generally referred to as a "wedge defect", a type of wear characteristic of faulty manual brushing.I think this question is really the last word on the wear and tear of the electric toothbrush: does the power of the electric toothbrush cause more wear and tear than the wear and tear caused by manual brushing?Or is there less wear and tear because the wrong manipulation is avoided?Unfortunately, wear and tear does not occur over a short period of time. It requires long-term tracking of the teeth of the subjects, which is very difficult to do, and I have not yet found such a study.Therefore, as for the assertion of tooth wear caused by electric toothbrush, my opinion is that "there will be wear and tear when brushing. Theoretically, electric toothbrush may cause greater wear than manual toothbrush, but there is no empirical evidence yet".

2. Do electric toothbrushes cause receding gums?However, manual brushing may be more serious because of the strong power. Many people are worried that the high speed rotating and vibrating brush head will damage the tooth flesh, especially some people with gingivitis and periodontitis. They do have the phenomenon of bleeding gums by brushing, and even observed the phenomenon of gingival recessionary.Naturally, people worry that using an electric toothbrush will recede their gums.This is where controlled clinical studies are necessary, because it is necessary to rule out the fact that some people will bleed and their gums will shrink just as much when they brush their teeth by hand. It is necessary to put a wide variety of people under the same conditions before any general conclusions can be drawn.In the short term (3 to 6 months), there was no difference in gum receding between electric toothbrush users and manual toothbrushes.

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