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Will sonic toothbrushes work?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-08-13      Origin: Site

Will sonic toothbrushes work? The answer is yes, it does. Even a dentist wouldn't say that electric toothbrushes don't work. After all, many domestic and foreign professional scientific research institutions, hospitals have done a lot of experiments, the answer is yes.

Electric toothbrush is better than manual toothbrush in the efficiency and effect of cleaning teeth. This conclusion is the final conclusion and there is no academic dispute.

How does an electric toothbrush work? Electric toothbrush is through the movement of the motor up and down vibration, and left and right swing movement to drive the brush head on the teeth up and down the left and right direction of friction, at the same time, can generate a lot of bubbles in the process of friction with toothpaste, to promote every corner of the teeth to get better cleaning.

Do electric toothbrushes wear teeth? There are several ways to wear teeth with electric toothbrushes. The first is to buy low-priced and low-quality electric toothbrushes. I have personally experienced many low-priced electric toothbrushes, including well-known ones, which have no good materials and have a high probability of damaging teeth. The second is too strong cleaning force will also hurt teeth, especially some international brands, they are more suitable for European and American users! The third kind of electric toothbrush with excellent bristles and low round rate of bristles is also very easy to hurt your teeth! In addition, there is a user's own problem, the vast majority of Chinese teeth have different degrees of oral problems, so you think easy to use electric toothbrush, I hurt my teeth, this is also very normal, so buy electric toothbrush according to their own teeth carefully selected!

Many people have no experience in using electric toothbrush for the first time, and they are eager to start the electric toothbrush when they just squeeze the toothpaste into the toothbrush, which will cause the toothpaste to splash around, which is a lot of first-time users are prone to. To use it properly, soak the brush head in warm water, then squeeze in the right amount of toothpaste, and finally put the electric toothbrush in your mouth before starting the toothbrush to brush.

There is a big difference in the experience between manual brushing and high-frequency vibration brushing before. Many people are not used to it for the first time, and they are prone to bleeding gums, but this is a more normal phenomenon. Because of the impact of water flow caused by high frequency vibration, the long-term padded gingival groove is opened and effectively cleaned, which is easy to cause gingival bleeding. This will not happen after several times of use.

At present, many sonic toothbrushes are equipped with a variety of cleaning modes, and in order to improve the first use of this phenomenon, the general recommendation is to choose the low frequency soft cleaning mode, let the mouth gradually adapt to this cleaning mode, and then use the conventional cleaning mode, so that the step by step will be more reasonable.

Although using an electric toothbrush is not as cumbersome as using a manual one, it is important to give your mouth a thorough cleaningstill want to clean the part each mouth, teeth when brushing your teeth can be divided into four regions, including upper and lower half of the oral cavity teeth around the lateral, in turn to clean the 30 seconds, at present a lot of electric toothbrush has function of timing, This will give you a complete mouth cleaning.

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